lindsborg covenant church
lindsborg covenant church
102 S Washington, Lindsborg KS 67456 (785) 227-2447
Adult Ministries
Choir and Praise Band
The church choir gathers to rehearse on a weekly basis during the school year. They meet for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:45pm in the sanctuary, and they minister in song during the second service on Sunday mornings. If you enjoy worshiping God in song and are interested in joining the choir, please contact the choir director. The Praise Band leads a contemporary worship service each Sunday morning at 8am. If you are interested in participating in the Praise Band, either vocally or instrumentally, please contact the church office.
55+ Fellowship
You are invited to participate in special activities for people 55 years of age and older who would like to share Fellowship, Food, and Fun with others who love Jesus. Underage spouses are “grandfathered in.” Questions? Contact the church office.
Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry in our church is a loosely organized group that gathers at various times and settings for Bible study, prayer, fellowship, discipleship, accountability, and outreach. However, while the organizational structure of the men’s ministry reflects a relaxed approach to these things, it is not a casual one. The leaders of the Men’s Ministry of our church are quite serious and intentional about building up men, encouraging, challenging, and equipping them to love and follow Jesus and becoming godly husbands, fathers, employees, and friends. There are two primary kinds of activities in the Men’s Ministry: 1. Occasional Events, and 2. Regular Small Groups. Periodically we schedule events for the men. For example, we have gone to Promise Keepers, had camp-outs and fishing trips, backyard BBQ’s, game nights, movie nights, lock-ins, etc. These are usually a lot of fun and provide good opportunities to meet new guys and to continue building relationships with old friends. There are also smaller groups of men who gather weekly for prayer, discipleship, or accountability. For questions or for more information, please contact the church office.
Missions Interest
Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 2pm. MIssions Interest is for anyone who would like to help our missionaries in very practical ways. We work on bandages from old sheets and also work with the Patricia Project.
Small Groups
The goal of our small groups is to be intentional about both evangelism and discipleship. The basic philosophy of small groups is that God uses people to grow people, so it almost does not matter why Christians gather together, as long as they do! So, we allow small groups to form naturally around people's common interests and then use these regular meetings to be intentional about making disciples. For example, we have people who gather to play games, to sing, to read Christian books, to study the Bible, to pray, etc. As these groups gather on a weekly basis they develop a community-rich environment in which everyone can grow. If you have any questions about how to join a group, or if you have an idea to start a group, please contact the church office.
Sunday School
Sunday School is not just for children! Most of our adults attend one of several classes offered each quarter at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. We have several different classes to choose from, ranging from studying books of the Bible, various video curricula, topical discussion classes, popular Christian book studies, prayer classes, college and career, and an introductory class for those interested in becoming members or simply learning more about our church and denomination. For more information about the adult Sunday School, contact the church office. Please come and join us as we seek to love God with all of our mind.
Youth Ministries
The Lindsborg Covenant church has a large focus on children. We have a nursery for infants to age 3, Children's Church for ages 4 through 1st grade (during Sunday's sermon), and Sunday School starts at age 3.
Our Wednesday night outreach program, His Kids, runs from September to Thanksgiving, then from January through April. We begin with a family meal at 6 pm, followed by praise & worship, class time with an emphasis on Scripture memorization, and gym time to burn off all that energy! Kids Choir runs congruent with His Kids and is available from 5:00 - 6:00 on Wednesdays.
Summer break means lots of fun for kiddos at the Cov. We offer a couple of different camping opportunities and there are scholorships available for campers to go partially or fully funded for free! Vacation Bible School is always a big draw in our community and all kids ages K to 6th grade are welcome!
Summer Camp
It is our intention at the Lindsborg Evangelical Covenant Church that every child should have the opportunity to go to camp. We realize that not every family may be able to afford the full amount of the camp fee. Contact the church office for scholarship information. Visit for camp information.
HIS Kids
The HIS Kids program is a Wednesday night community outreach program for ages Kindergarten through 6th grade. A family meal is provided for the whole family at 6:00, then the kids go to the Sanctuary for singing. They are dismissed by class for a lesson that focuses on Scripture memory and also spend some time doing some activities in the gym. Kids are dismissed at 7:30.
Parents are welcome to hang out after dinner and have coffee and dessert! For more information about His Kids, contact the church office.
Kids Choir
Kid's choir practices regularly during the school year from 5 to 6 pm on Wednesday evenings in the Sanctuary. The kids learn fun songs about the love of Jesus and are performed on a few occassions during the worship services on Sunday. All kids are welcome to join in the fun each week! The kids choir practice runs in conjunction with the His Kids program and kids who participate in choir eat a meal together before His Kids.
Children's Sunday School
A team of parents and teacher developed a program in which students travel chronologically through the bible three times in 12 years, teaching many important Scriptures and biblical principles. The Sunday School portion of this curriculum is more academically robust as is appropriate for each grade level. This works in partnership with the Wendesday night His Kids program, which places more emphasis on Scripture memorization, review, and craft projects.
Sunday school is from 9:30 to 10:30 on Sundays for ages 2 through 99.
Vacation Bible School
Contact the church office for more information
Youth Group
Youth groups meet during the school year with some special events during the summer.
Middle School Youth - Wednesday at 6:30pm
Senior High Youth - Sunday at 6:30pm
For more information about our youth groups, contact Pastor Philip
Web Family
Web Ministry
Welcome! We're glad you found us and would like to make you a part of our family. Tell us about yourself! What are your prayer needs? How do you like our website and how can we improve? Our internet family is growing and we're excited to meet you. Complete the form below and send us a photo if you are so inclined.